
Line array sound system for mini concert

Sound system for small concert

Sound system for party 300 pax to 500 pax outdoor

Sound system for band and DJ

Sound system for small band

ប្រព័ន្ធសំលេងសម្រាប់ជួល Sound system for rent (up to 500 pax)

Sound Two Speakers, two subs, two monitors

Sound system two speaker with two 18inch sub woofer haft day

Karaoke Set

2 speaker and 1 monitor for haft day

ធុងបាសឈុត២គ្រាប់ សម្រាប់ជួល Two speaker with stand
$150.00 - $200.00
$150.00 - $200.00

Wireless Microphone Rental

Aluminum Assemble Stage For Rent

Microphone stand for rent

Sound system for meeting room 50pax indoor half day

គំរបខ្សែភ្លើង Cable ramp

The Behringer X32 Rental

Behringer X32 PRODUCER


Dual Wireless System with 2 SLXD2/B58 (rental)